21 communities.
One watershed.
We partner on climate challenges no single municipality can solve alone
Photo credit: Chris McIntosh
The Resilient Mystic Collaborative is a partnership among neighboring communities in Greater Boston’s Mystic River Watershed working to protect our people and places from climate-intensified risks.
We are data-driven.
We start with research to develop priority, cost-effective projects that make a difference on the ground.
Photo credit: Leo March
We are action-oriented.
We focus on regional projects and policies no one community can do alone.
Credit: Woods Hole Group
We are pragmatic and optimistic.
We look for solutions that prepare our communities for more heat, storms, and flooding while making our neighborhoods more livable and equitable.
Photo credit: Julie Wormser
We are mutually supportive.
We share knowledge, resources, and a love of place across the 21 communities that make up the Mystic River Watershed. We come together to not come apart.
Photo credit: Chris McIntosh
We have the structure needed to succeed and learn.
Together we have crafted the vision, capacity, and regional decision-making needed to stay together for the long run.
Photo credit: Resilient Mystic Collaborative

Community Support
“Communities along the Mystic River are already feeling the impact of climate change and it is imperative that we meet these challenges with swift, decisive action. Together we can reduce risks, adapt to changing climate patterns, and foster more resilient and equitable communities. I want to thank our colleagues in the Resilient Mystic Collaborative for their hard work and unwavering dedication to fighting climate change."
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, City of Somerville.
“Because of COVID, many more people now understand what GreenRoots has been fighting for since its founding, to ensure that people in historically disinvested communities have the same ability to deal with challenges like climate change as people in wealthy communities. As a co-founder of the RMC, I’m glad to see us work to effectively focus scarce public resources on the people who need them most.”
John Walkey, Director of Waterfront and Climate Justice Initiatives at GreenRoots.
TEDx talk on the Resilient Mystic Collaborative by co-founder Julie Wormser
Photo credit: David Mussina

Recognition for the Resilient Mystic Collaborative
“Awarded to the Resilient Mystic Collaborative (RMC) in recognition of the incredible partnership of the 20 communities in the Mystic River Watershed working together to protect their people and places from climate-intensified risks.”
Environmental Business Council of New England Award for Leadership by a Non-Profit Organization
RMC “fills a critical void in Massachusetts, which lacks a cohesive governance structure for implementing regional adaptation projects.”
American Society of Adaptation Professionals 2020 New England Regional Adaptation Leadership Award
Photo credit: John Harrison